I was really scared when my heating system broke down

I was so scared at a certain point this past winter season.

I actually had my heating system fail on me altogether.

It was actually snowing outside and I was desperately calling all of the HVAC companies. I wasn’t even able to get HVAC emergency services until the following day and I knew I was going to freeze to death in my house if I stayed there without getting the heating system fixed. I finally got a hold of a good friend of mine. I was so grateful when he picked up the phone even though it was so late in the evening. When I told him what was going on and the fact that I couldn’t even get HVAC emergency services, he said he had a bunch of space heaters I could use. So he actually came over in the middle of this snow storm with the portable space heaters. The purpose of this was not really to keep the house warm, but to just keep the pipes from freezing. He was saying that if that were to happen, that would be a huge mess and a very expensive fix. When we had the space heaters running at strategic places in my home, he let me stay over at his place until I was finally able to get the HVAC technician over to perform the needed emergency services. It easily cost me a fortune to have my heating system fixed, but I was so thankful when it was finally done. Now my house was back to being warm and comfortable again. I was especially thankful to my friend for coming through for me making it so I didn’t have freezing pipes in my home and allowing me to stay in his comfortable home. He said he was happy to do it because he knew I would have done the same for him.



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