I couldn’t deal with the constantly changing temperature control settings

When my wife got pregnant, I was so excited that we were finally going to have a baby.

However, everything changed with her.

She kept having these strange cravings for food like having a peanut butter and pickle sandwich. Just the thought of that makes me want to throw up! The thing that bothered me the most though was her crazy temperature control preferences. We actually had to install a smart thermostat so she could easily adjust the temperature control settings quickly without having to run to the thermostat. Before we used to just keep the thermostat around 71 degrees and we both were fine with that. Now she will have the temperature control settings at 80 degrees one moment and it feels like stepping into the gates of hell when I get home. Then the next moment she will have the thermostat all the way down to 65 and it feels entirely freezing in the house. After a little while of this, I couldn’t take it anymore. At first I started sleeping on a cot in the basement where I could at least adjust the gas heater down there. This was too uncomfortable though so I ended up calling the HVAC company and asked them how to fix this crazy temperature control issue. When they told me about HVAC zone control, I was so happy that there was a solution to our problem! So I right away had them come over to upgrade our HVAC to HVAC zone control and then we had customized temperature control settings in different zones of the house. As long as I wasn’t always in the same zone as her, I felt comfortable.

Quality HVAC equipment