Heater Goes Out But Work Continues On

I was thinking the school would cancel the rest of the school day because of the gas furnace, but unfortunately, an announcement came over the intercom announcing that classes would continue until further notice.

I used to be a teacher a long time ago. I have long since found a strange task, although I still cannot forget those afternoons like they were yesterday. I remember a single time when the heating program stopped functioning in the classroom. I was teaching in a foreign country, and it was frigid as all get out there. There was no central gas furnace, so each classroom relied on a small heating program that operated with electricity. In the middle of teaching our hour class for the day, the heating program bit the dust and I began to panic. The electricity had gone out, and with it, the heating program cut off, but without a gas furnace, our students would get truly cold, and they started complaining. The class I was teaching would be hastily forgotten in the worry over the gas furnace. I was thinking the school would cancel the rest of the school day because of the gas furnace, but unfortunately, an announcement came over the intercom announcing that classes would continue until further notice. Without the gas furnaces, I told all of our students to layer on extra clothing until they dismissed the class. Two more hours passed until the school finally made the decision to send the students apartment until the power came back on and turned the heating systems working again. I don’t think how long it will take until both of us can get the heating systems working like they should, although I particularly hope that the school doesn’t make the decision to try another day separate from heating systems again. It was entirely terrible.

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