There are space furnaces that are safe to use if operated properly

My husband and I were set to stay at his aunt and aunt’s apartment for several months while he finished a school seminar at the massive state school in their city.

Both of us figured the people I was with and I would have to pay on an Airbnb for the duration.

Then his family came to the rescue at the last hour. When they called and told us to stay free of charge, the people I was with and I both nearly cried tears of joy. It was a sizable financial burden lifted from our shoulders. However, the people I was with and I were set to stay up north during the several coldest months of the year, and their apartment is poorly equipped for indoor heating. They are both hard as nails and have braved cold weather for decades with just a small fireplace at the center of their house. Because their bedroom is on the opposite side of the wall with the chimney, they get almost as much radiant heat compared to someone resting in front of the fireplace in the entryway itself. But, their guest bedroom across the hallway does not share this advantage. Therefore, they have a space heating system resting next to the window that can be operated with a remote. It plugs directly into the wall outlet and has a few basic features care about temperature and fan speed control. My husband was concerned with using their space heater, fearing that all space furnaces are dangerous after he nearly burnt his apartment down with one numerous years ago. I explained to his that multiple space furnaces are perfectly safe to use if you practice due diligence with following basic safety rules. Always plug it into an outlet with nothing else, especially appliances with a heavy new load. It’s also smart to keep anything flammable away from the direction of the heat, or near enough to touch the red hot coils.


heating company