My friends know I am pathetic

My bestie broke up with myself and others last weekend and I haven’t been able to stop crying.

All of my friends know that I am pathetic. They know it is deranged and deranged to cry over a girl. All of us were only together for a couple of weeks, despite the fact that I thought I was in care about with the woman. I can’t suppose that she broke my heart. She didn’t even supply myself and others a real reason for the cut up. She just said that things were not laboring out. I went to her job everyday this month with flowers. My bestie works as an Heating and Air Conditioning repair specialist. She works with a bunch of guys. I wouldn’t be surprised if she broke up with myself and others to be with one of them. They were laughing at myself and others when I was waiting for her in the parking lot each afternoon. They were smiling and pointing and making faces, despite the fact that I didn’t honestly care. Her boss saw myself and others in the parking lot too. My bestie spent multiple weeks complaining about her boss at the Heating and Air Conditioning repair center. She told myself and others the guy was a total jerk. She also told myself and others that he said women should not work in the Heating and Air Conditioning repair industry. She spent weeks thinking about quitting her job because she was so unhappy with the circumstances. Still, she was talking to the guy care about they were best friends! When I saw my bestie with her friends and coworkers at the Heating and Air Conditioning center, I started to wonder if I ever honestly knew the lady I was in care about with.


Heating repair