I need the full service accommodations

It’s been a bit of a heck of a couple of years.

Just 3 years back, I was finishing up my graduate degree in business. Now, I am getting my first promotion which also comes with a move. It’s sort of difficult stuff and while it’s thrilling to experience, the details of moving have been hard. Thankfully, I have one thing on my side and that is an extended stay apartment. Moving before consisted of borrowing a buddy’s truck plus making a trip or maybe more than one. However, with my first work category task, I started collecting some trappings of grown up life. This is a real change. Yet, I have to hit the ground running when I first get to my new case. That’s where having full service accommodations will entirely make a difference. Furnished short term rental will permit me to get settled in my work and get the feel of the land. That means I won’t have to take an apartment sight unseen. The extended stay rental will allow me to get my feet wet a bit so I can find the apartment I want in the location I enjoy best. The daily furnished rental gives me the ability to just transport in with the clothes plus personal stuff that I need. And I can then focus on my new work responsibilities without having to move and unpack at the same time. It’s an exciting time that could have turned into a time of great stress. Thanks to the extended stay rental, I can stick with good feelings.

corporate housing