Do I really want to move south?

A week after going through all of this, he decided to install a wood burning stove into the living room.

Every winter, I make the decision that I am going to move south. I live on top of a mountain and shovelling snow, plowing and dealing with ice is getting to be too much for me. All I want is to be able to relax and not have to put up with worrying about running out of oil for the furnace. I worry when the wind blows, hoping a tree doesn’t fall down on the power lines and shut down our electricity. Without electricity, I wouldn’t have heat. We have electric heat in our house, and it is always a worry when our power goes out. My husband bought a generator that took over when the power went out so we never went without the furnace. The problem with this is that you also need to have fuel for the generator. One year, he forgot to fill the gas tank in the generator. When a tree came down and knocked out the electricity, we went almost two days without any lights. I was so angry with him, because we were snowed in and we couldn’t get to town to get gas. A week after going through all of this, he decided to install a wood burning stove into the living room. He thought we could always sleep on the couch in the living room if it got too cold in the house. When summer came around, I started listening to how hot it was in the south. We hadn’t even turned on the AC yet. I started to wonder if we really wanted to move south?


Hybrid heating