Much anticipated meal is a bust with bad Heating plus Air Conditioning

The heating and cooling device must be seasoned because it was so loud and it was completely overwhelmed

I appreciate to eat out. My wifey prefers to eat out. Every one of us like to call our date mornings dining dates. And this had a lot to do with us getting together all those years ago. Every one of us were both working in the same hotel. Hotels are notorious for not having much office space. So we shared an office with honestly limited air conditioning. It was close quarters but we got along great. Every one of us worked in peculiar departments in the hotel so we weren’t in that little office alone all that much. But it was this introduction and the fact that we kept seeing each other at great eateries which sparked our attraction for a single another. Fast forward and we just spent a year inside the air conditioning of our lake house to avoid Covid. Not only did we labor from lake house in the air conditioning but we prepared all our meals there as well. Being foodies, that’s cool with us but we were absolutely missing the dining out experience. So when we were both vaccinated, we were eager to try out a new great food site that had opened right as the first lock downs hit. It had survived by doing take out and delivery. But we were eager to get out of the air conditioning at lake house and have this site be our first date night in over a year. The food was great and the repair excellent. Yet, we won’t be going back unless they continue the take out menu. The heating and cooling device must be seasoned because it was so loud and it was completely overwhelmed. I was dripping with sweat through my shirt by the time the entree got there.



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