How the air conditioner at a bar got me a raise

She told us that the air conditioner was broken, and upon receiving that news, my boss asked for the check, and told me that my performance review would have to wait for another time

Last Summer, I arranged to meet with the head of my department for a performance review regarding my last six months working with the company. Since we had been working remotely from the beginning of the pandemic, our office had been closed, so we decided to meet at a steakhouse downtown for our meeting. My boss arrived before me, and he was already seated in the booth when I arrived. When I sat down, the first thing he mentioned to me was how hot it was in the restaurant, and that he asked the manager to turn down the thermostat on the air conditioner. I took my seat and ordered a drink, and as soon as we started discussing my performance, my boss said he was too hot to be comfortable, and asked the manager what was up with the air conditioner. She told us that the air conditioner was broken, and upon receiving that news, my boss asked for the check, and told me that my performance review would have to wait for another time. We walked out of the restaurant and headed towards our cars, when we walked by a bar and felt a cool rush of air conditioning rushing out the front door. We decided to stop in the bar and get a drink and an appetizer, but we were so comfortable in the air conditioner, and having such a good time, that the one drink turned into several, and we had my performance review that night anyway. If it wasn’t for the functioning air conditioner in the bar, I never would have gotten my performance review or my raise!
