I Need To Reschedule My HVAC Service Appointment:

I’m one of those people who remembers to make my HVAC service appointments, but never follows through with them.

This is a bad habit of mine, which does nothing but hurt me in the long run.

I don’t suppose I’m doing it on purpose, but there could be an underlying component to me constantly cancelling my HVAC appointments at the last minute. Honestly, I hate paying for preventive care. Why should I pay someone to come look at my HVAC system to make sure there’s nothing wrong? It’s an irrational thought to have, but I suppose it just sticks in my brain. There is a huge risk to this! It’s a known fact that heating plus cooling units whom don’t receive seasonal service don’t last nearly as long as they should. This is a huge problem when you think about it. There’s also the warranty to consider too. Nearly every HVAC manufacturer requires you to have a yearly service appointment or the warranty is void. The sizable kicker to all this, is the fact that 85 percent of each service call could be avoided with regular servicing. This is another extreme stat to think long and hard about. Perhaps I should simply join the automatic servicing program my heating plus air company offers. There are amazing perks to signing up for the program outside the given semi annual HVAC service. Doing without any preventive service isn’t smart. So, I suppose I better call my friends at the local HVAC company plus schedule my overdue appointment.

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