The heat pump installation did not go as planned

One of my commercial customers decided to have a new heat pump installed in their home.

I was happy to handle the work for a very low cost as long as the commercial customer paid for the Machinery. Most of the time my heating and cooling company provides free services for residential customers if they also use our services for their commercial business. It is a good way to get new business from huge clients. When the customer mentioned the new heat pump, I gave the guy a couple of pamphlets on equipment that I could purchase for the job. The customer told me that he wanted to purchase the equipment on his own. He told me that he would purchase that heat pump and call me a couple of days after it arrived. He would give me the name of the machine as well as the make and model so I could prepare for the installation accordingly. About a week later, I received a phone call from the customer. He gave me the name of the make and model of the new machine. I gathered all of the materials necessary to complete the installation job. I drove out to the country on a very cold and rainy day. I didn’t mind going out to help the customer, but I was very upset when I realized that he gave me the wrong name for the equipment that he wanted me to install. I did not have the right parts or tools to complete the work and it was going to take an extra day to order the right ones.

heat pump repair