Should have called for the air conditioning tune-up

So when we flipped on the air conditioning this past spring, we were surprised to have it quit after just a few days.

But that surprise also came with some accountability.

And I have to say that this situation rests squarely on my shoulders. But I learned my lesson and have signed up for the HVAC service plan offered by the HVAC company that we use. I was stupid and sort of got caught up in my neighbor’s act of everything is a scam. This is a guy that I like a lot but he’s always saying that stuff like HVAC maintenance is just a scam. In his mind, the HVAC company is simply gouging us with needless HVAC maintenance on HVAC equipment that doesn’t need it. Somehow, after all those times I heard that HVAC maintenance was a scam, I decided to believe it. Plus, I really liked the idea of saving money. I fooled myself into believing that the reason I had never suffered any sort of heating and cooling breakdown wasn’t due to HVAC maintenance. So two years ago, I stopped calling for heating maintenance in the fall and the air conditioning tune-up in the spring. And man, did I think I was so smart. My wife just shook her head at me and told me that I was making a mistake. I waved her off. That is, I waved her off until the second week of having the air conditioning on, it quit working. I called the HVAC company and they sent out an HVAC technician who promptly fixed it. And of course, had I gotten the air conditioning tune-up, they would have caught the problem.
hvac technology