A new workout program generates big results

I don’t have leg day or cardio day, I have yoga day and weight lifting day, as well as a couple of days where I use the old ellipticals

Sometimes a person just needs professional help. When it comes to cutting the grass, I can do that myself. But if I had a sinkhole open up in the backyard, I wouldn’t dare try to handle it myself, I would call in an expert. The same is true for my body, which I often compare to a sinkhole because it devours everything and keeps getting wider! I tried my own devices to lose some weight, and it just didn’t work, so I decided to get some professional advice. I have to say my personal trainer has been a miracle worker, getting better results than I dared to dream about! In the past whenever I did go to the gym I would just walk on the treadmill or use one of the elliptical machines, but I never had any kind of plan. I just wanted to spend a couple of hours in the gym getting sweaty, and that just never paid off in weight loss for me. This new personal trainer has me on a custom workout program that she put together for me based on where I am at, and where I want to be. I don’t have leg day or cardio day, I have yoga day and weight lifting day, as well as a couple of days where I use the old ellipticals. Along with the nutritional program she recommended, I have been seeing gradual but noticeable results since I started. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and I am committed to this workout program for the long haul, to see where it can take me.

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