Doing everything to pass the bar exam

I’ve been immersed in school for an endless amount of timeā€¦ I finished private school, plus then the people I was with and I immediately started classes the following summer. I spent most of my time hanging around with my friends, plus it took me 5 years to finally get a bachelor’s degree. Both of us tended to spend too much time playing billiards, darts, plus getting drunk at the frat houses. It also took a great many applications, before I was finally accepted to a Law school. Immediately after school, I started to attend Law school classes. I’ve spent most of my life studying for a single exam after another, now that law school is almost over plus I am studying for the bar exam. I’ve been up very late every night this week, plus my house looks care about a train wreck. I haven’t done my laundry in afternoons plus the study room sink is full of dishes, but most of my friends are also studying to be lawyers, plus they are just as busy as me. None of us have much time for socializing or going to taverns plus restaurants anymore, then the floor of my house is covered in aged pizza boxes, but late last night, I fell asleep in the middle of an essay. I forgot to set the alarm plus I missed a vital lecture. Thankfully, most of my friends take absolutely fantastic notes, then working toward becoming a lawyer is absolutely hard work, but I constantly wanted to do the task, and after I get passed the bar exam, I’m going to start finally working as a junior attorney. My Mom is successful attorney, plus I am going to job at the law firm. I’m enthusiastic to return house plus see my mom plus my dad. I haven’t seen them in various years.

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