HVAC serviceman helps with other projects

Lately, I have been such a mess.

I am newly divorced and there are so many things that my ex-husband used to take care of. Now that we are split up, I have had to learn a lot about managing the house on my own. I had an issue with the furnace a few weeks back and ended up calling the HVAC company to send over a technician. The HVAC technician was able to fix the problem pretty quickly. Apparently there was something wrong with the pilot light. I asked him to explain how to maintain the heating and cooling systems since that was now something that would fall on my plate. I got a little too personal and shared with him some of my challenges after my divorce. He ended up helping me out with a few projects around the house. He said he had a few hours before his next HVAC appointment and he was able to help me out a bit. He cleaned the rain gutter in the back of my house. He fixed a leaky faucet in my bathroom. He even oiled a squeaky cabinet door hinge. It was so helpful that he went above and beyond his HVAC duties for me. He said that I reminded him of his daughter, so he would want someone looking out for me just as he would her. I left a very positive review for the HVAC company after experiencing his kindness.

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