The toilet wouldn't flush and it was full

I’ve learned a lot about home repairs since I bought an RV.

  • I don’t turn a ton of money each month.

The money that I make has to go towards paying the bills. I don’t have a lot of extra cash to contact a repair service when something goes wrong. I tried to handle the repairs on my own. I watch lots of YouTube videos and I read manuals that teach me how to perform simple household repairs on the plumbing, heating, and AC. I had a major issue with the plumbing last week, and I honestly thought I was going to need to call a plumbing service. The toilet in the master bathroom was locked up and not draining. I flushed the toilet a couple of times and nothing seemed to help. I was only adding more water to the bowl. I became frustrated very quickly, because this was my first major plumbing issue. I made myself a cup of coffee and I sat down in front of the computer to look at some videos. I found a lot of helpful information online. Most people agreed that the issue was a drainage problem and felt that I needed an auger or a drain snake. I didn’t have the money to buy the materials necessary to perform the job. I did, however, have a lot of helpful information. I found a metal hanger in the closet and I took it apart so it was about 3 ft long. I opened the drain to the toilet and I put the hanger inside of the toilet. I moved the hanger up and down a couple of times, but that didn’t help at all. I spent all day working on the plumbing problem.

water heater installation