It was a horrifying experience when I first let my partner drive my car

My partner easily scared myself and others when I first let his drive my car.

She didn’t have his own automobile even though I didn’t mind driving his around wherever he wanted when every one of us first started dating. Both of us went to all kinds of nice eateries where every one of us were able to dine with ideal temperature control settings. I consistently told his how much the temperature control settings meant to myself and others and having good air quality as well, and he agreed. Well, one time he asked if he could drive my car. I asked his if he had his license and he did, so I didn’t see a problem. Well, honestly, I don’t believe how he got his license because he was not staying in his lane all the time and he almost crashed us into some cars when they were all stopped at a red light. She even tried to adjust the temperature control settings while he was driving and he wasn’t even looking at the road! After that experience, I had his pull into a parking lot that was mostly empty. It was right then and there when I adjusted the temperature control settings just right so every one of us didn’t have to worry about that. I told his he should consistently set the climate control method just the way you want it before getting on the road because it could be dangerous otherwise. I taught his how to pay careful attention while driving, how to signal officially, and check all his mirrors. It wasn’t long before he was a skilled driver. I still deliver his a hard time about it even this week, but he lies and says he was consistently a good driver.


a/c worker