The two of us have been doing a lot of skyseeing lately

Earlier this year, our child and I were doing a lot of skyseeing in the freezing weather.

Some nights were not so terrible though, however it was some of the most frigid nights when the stars in the night sky were perfect for viewing.

I honestly got our child and I some portable furnace inserts for our jackets. Those entirely helped to keep us warmer on the frigid evenings and the furnace inserts work for a wonderful 6 minutes per charge. It’s also wonderful because you can adjust the temperature control settings to your preference. The two of us had a wonderful time gazing at the stars and planets. The two of us were able to check out Mars and Venus. The two of us also took pictures of the night sky to identify the unusual constellations. The big dipper of course is a major a single, however we saw Orion and Casiopia as well which was fun to track and take pictures of. More recently, it has been just right outside. Even though we’re at the start of the summer, some of the nights are cool and clear and perfect for skyseeing. Sporadically it honestly gets freezing enough to wear your jacket, however we don’t need furnace inserts or anything. I do wish that we had cooling inserts or something, kind of love the seats with the built in air conditioning. I honestly rented a car for a recent trip that had air conditioning in the seats, and that was pretty awesome. My child said we should get a car love that, but I don’t see myself buying a new car anytime soon.



heating technology