I considered becoming a HVAC worker

I was a young adult, in college for an art degree. I was not sure of the direction my life was heading, and it is amazing how one small decision changed everything. I was laying on my bed and scrolling on my bed endlessly. There was a career quiz I stumbled across, and I decided to take it for whatever reason. The result I got after answering several questions was a heating and air conditioning technician. I thought that that was a weird and unexpected answer, and so I ignored it. However, it continued to bother me. Because that quiz ended up showing me something I already knew, but didn’t want to admit yet. I had no interest in art, was nowhere near decent at it, and I found all of my art related classes extremely boring. I only went to college for art because my family is really creative, and I felt the need to fit in. However, it just wasn’t for me. Out of curiosity, I started reading on heating and cooling, HVAC technology and A/C equipment. My curiosity soon sparked passion, and it wasn’t long before I could recite all kinds of interesting facts about the HVAC industry. After I had told my 132nd A/C fact to my parents, my dad gently suggested dropping out of college and attending a cooling university. At first I was shocked, but soon, I realized he was right. I hated the current path I was on, and the path to an A/C worker sounded much better. Soon, I was attending the local A/C school, and I was much happier, all thanks to a random quiz I found.

