Combating seasonal flu symptom symptoms

Seasonal flu symptoms can be a real pain in the butt for me.

I have adapted our life as best as I can, however it’s still discouraging.

Some medications seem to help somewhat, however they only mask the symptoms plus do not eliminate them, then for the longest time, I thought that taking certain medications was our only way of relieving our symptoms. I did not consider certain things… My condo could actually use a good dusting. My Heating plus Air Conditioning air filters were not updated nearly as often as they should have been. I also hadn’t ever had an air duct cleaning, plus our Heating plus Air Conditioning equipment had been installed several years ago. I was searching the internet one day for answers as to how I might further lessen the symptoms of our flu symptoms when I came across a website that explained how crucial condo cleanliness plus your Heating plus Air Conditioning equipment is to feeling relief from your flu symptoms within your home. I strapped on a mask plus decided to do some much-needed Spring cleaning. I changed out the air filter for a fresh one as well. Finally, I called out an Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist so that he could clean up our equipment plus the air ducts as well. The specialist promised I would be feeling better soon, when I explained our motivation for calling him out. He also recommended that I invest in an air purification idea to labor in conjunction with our Heating plus Air Conditioning equipment to make our air pure plus clean. Fast forward a couple weeks after taking him up on the offer, plus it’s amazing how much more comfortable it is for me at home!


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