Everyone’s in the zone with HVAC upgrade

Honestly, there wasn’t all that much that I missed about being out of the office for more than a year.

But when they first told us that we were all being sent home.

I was the last person who ever wanted to work from the central air conditioning of home. Getting up and going to the commercial HVAC of the office is what I had always done. This wasn’t something that was negotiable in my mind. I honestly never thought I would be able to actually get anything done at home. There had been times in my life where I was sick or something like that and I tried to work from home. It always ended up with me barking at the kids and not getting any work done due to all the distractions. Surprisingly, once I cleared out the guest bedroom for an office, I was able to buckle down to work and not be bothered during the pandemic. But once we got back to the office, I did notice one thing that I did miss and that was the zone controlled HVAC. It dawned on me that I could simply have the HVAC professionals do the same thing at home for me. So that’s exactly what I did. And now, there are six heating and cooling zones in our home. And each of them come with their own thermostat. It works out wonderfully now and there are no more arguments over the thermostat setting either. I don’t know, now that I have zone controlled HVAC, maybe working remotely from now on wouldn’t be so bad.