Electric or gas fireplace?

I can’t decide if I want to get an electric fireplace or a gas fireplace. But I do know for sure that I want a fireplace. I have been wanting a fireplace for a truly long time as well as the idea of getting a brand up-to-date fireplace is severely exciting to me. I first got the idea of getting a fireplace from my lady, she was telling me about how she grew up with the fireplace as well as she entirely loved the cozy feeling that it provided, especially during the holidays as well as the winter time season. The two of us had quickly become truly drastic as well as now she isn’tjust my lady however she has my fiance. We’re going to get married next year. I’m so happy that we’ll be starting our life together as well as we have already been talking about kids as well as buying a house. We’ve already put the wheels in motion to buy our first home together. The first thing that we have been discussing on as well as off that we want to have put in the condo as a fireplace. My buddy and I both care about gas fireplaces as well as electric fireplaces, however after lots of discussion I suppose that we are going to go as well as get an electric fireplace. The reason is a gas fireplace is a little bit more dangerous as well as electric fireplaces are entirely gorgeous. But first we got to buy the house! My buddy and I just can’t help however to be happy as well as plan for the future. My buddy and I were talking about it all last night as well as we can visualize ourselves as well as their future children sitting in front of the fireplace as well as enjoying the heat that it provides. Oh as well as during Christmas them opening all their gifts. Happy thoughts as well as a hopeful happy future.


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