Time to clean that air con washable filter

I will buy an HVAC company or something with it and let them generate revenue for me with their heating and cooling system repairs

I wonder if it is possible to live off the money you make with your $4000. I bet if you gave that money to someone like Elon Musk he could turn it into a million bucks within a year or less. Well, I had $100K a year ago and turned it into the $4000 it is now, proving once again that I am not on the same level as Elon. But I do have a good coin I could buy now that looks poised to explode soon, and if it does I could theoretically live off the interest. My heating tech dad made a lot of money and left it to us kids, but I think my HVAC rep sister is going to get the bulk of it because she was helping him run the HVAC corp the last few years pops was alive. I think there is more to go around though for the rest of us kids and that I will get like half a million bucks down the road when I am older. I will buy an HVAC company or something with it and let them generate revenue for me with their heating and cooling system repairs. I can then sit back and live off of that money, but for now I am going to see if I can make this $4000 turn into more starting tomorrow when I buy 20 of the golden coins. My cooling technician friend is also going in on the coins once he finishes this HVAC equipment repair job he is doing right now.


Zoned HVAC