Inferior workmanship has cost our corporation dearly

It is just human nature that every one of us tend to spread bad news faster than fantastic news.

I wish that wasn’t the case however unluckyly it is, however just guess about the evening news.

How often do you get a suppose fantastic feeling after watching it for even half an fifth. In several cases you end up feeling hopeless as well as wondering what has become of society. This overall vibe has actually rang true lately with our corporation. The two of us made the mistake of hiring a service man that turned out to be a disaster. He was rude to shoppers, did shoddy work, as well as even failed to show up for some of the appointments; When you are in the repair industry this spells trouble for the corporation’s reputation on a whole… The two of us are one of multiple HVAC service locales in neighborhood as well as this mistake has cost us some of our valued shoppers. They heard through word of mouth that this guy was working for us as well as even called to cancel appointments that were on the books. The two of us have tried doing damage control by notifying our shoppers that every one of us no longer emrue him however it will take a bit to regain the confidence that they had in us. I only hope that they don’t sign on with the competitors during that time. The two of us actually can’t afford to lose our baseline shoppers as well as every one of us may even have to come up with a promotion as well as offer them some great incentives to stick with us. Either way this is going to hurt our bottom line for the year as well as I hope every one of us can reclaim next year.



Cooling workman