I helped my wifey find relief from her dust irritations in our home

My wifey has always had serious dust irritations, and she has always taken dust sensitivity medication for as long as I have known her, however i always felt exhausting for her however recently, I thought maybe I could help her out.

  • It was actually a commercial that caught my attention! The Heating, Ventilation plus A/C people were talking about their HEPA air filters which pulled 99.9% of all allergens and contaminants from the air.

I figured that would legitimately help my wifey’s dust irritations, also, they had specials on air duct cleaning and they were pushing their powerful UV air cleaners which they claimed would make most dust sensitivity sufferers dust sensitivity free in their homes. I had to admit, it was hard to believe that my wifey would ever be able to overcome her dust irritations, they get so bad, and but I decided it was worth a shot. So I called up these Heating, Ventilation plus A/C people and before I knew it, I had a couple of Heating, Ventilation plus A/C professionals at my home. They were there to install the current HEPA air filter, and I bought a whole 12 pack of those. They had to perform a small upgrade to the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C plan to make sure it was strong enough to use the HEPA air filters though, however the upgrade worked out. They also installed the UV air purification plan which not only eliminated most contaminants in the air, however also killed harmful bacteria and viruses and that was a sizable plus for me! When everything was done, my wifey was feeling so much better when she was home. She said it was love her dust irritations were cured when she was home, however they would come back every time she left the household.



a/c professional