It took longer to get a job in the HVAC industry than I thought

I thought it would be straightforward to find a job when I was finished with Heating in addition to Air Conditioning repair university.

  • After all, that was one of the largest selling points for that actual program.

All certified Heating in addition to Air Conditioning device professionals can find work, because it is one of the fastest-growing work positions in the country… I easily thought that I would finish with my certification program, take the test, and begin working as a Heating in addition to Air Conditioning professional in the same month. I was actually disgruntled in addition to disappointed when I realized it was going to be so much harder than that. After finishing with Heating in addition to Air Conditioning repair university, it took numerous months to find a job. I had my certification, but nobody actually wanted to hire a woman that did not have any experience. I had a pretty nice letter of recommendation from my university teacher, but nobody even asked to look at the note. I went on to numerous interviews in addition to it took several months before I finally was able to land a job. The corporation is a commercial repair service in addition to they are known all over the country. They have branches in all states in addition to the corporation employs more than 10,000 people across the nation. I had to spend about five weeks in training, despite the fact that I did earn the respected rate of pay. After that, I trained with a licensed professional for another few two weeks. When I was eventually done with training, I was more than two months into the job in addition to I felt something like an expert. I wasn’t blissful about the long training period, despite the fact that I honestly did learn a great deal about Heating in addition to Air Conditioning device repair work.


Air conditioning worker