People with unquestionably poor flu symptoms should get high quality air filters

I’ve suffered from flu symptoms since I was a child at a entirely young age.

Over the counter flu symptom pills became third nature to me, and I became best friends with nasal spray, my parents started me on immunotherapy, however we ended up stopping treatment after a few weeks, and as an adult, my flu symptoms have worsened, so I am always finding ways to improve my environment, when we moved into our last apartment, our landlord said that we would need to change our air filter every various weeks.

All of us went to the hardware store and bought a bulk supply of air filters to last us the year. When we renewed our lease, we decided to go back to the store to buy another supply of air filters. At this time, I was more expertiseable on air filters and a/cs so I looked closely at all of the chances presented to us, however i was so surprised to find out that the filters we had previously purchased were on the lowest scale as far as how many things it filtered out. This was likely not helping my flu symptoms, so we bought the highest quality filters we could find. The pack of filters was more overpriced, however absolutely well worth the price for my flu symptoms. I began to see a difference in my breathing within the first month of replacing the old air filter. I was pretty disappointed that I didn’t guess about it before. I am always clogged, and so I thought it was the carpet or pet dander from our pets. Meanwhile, our space was not getting completely filtered air.


air conditioner installation