Bringing Updated HVAC to an Old Home

I got the shock of a lifetime not too long ago.

My life is not overly exciting and I pretty much have just kept my head down.

I do my best to live a decent life while showing love and respect to those I know. But again, life has been pretty mundane. I’ve never made any real money so have always lived in apartments. Don’t get me wrong, I have enjoyed where I have lived while always being thankful to have a roof over my head. Then one day, I get this registered letter delivered by hand. It appeared that some long lost Aunt had given me her house. I knew this aunt but very marginally. Then, suddenly she leaves me her house. I couldn’t quite believe it. The home was about 30 miles from where I lived but that would be worth the commute. I set about renovating the home so it was more liveable. My Aunt had been on a fixed income for some time so there was a lot to upgrade. I started with the HVAC system. The old house had a giant boiler in the basement that still pumped out the heat but was just a killer on the wallet. There was essentially no cooling system outside of some long forgotten window a/c units. I got rid of all of it and started over. I installed a multi split HVAC system that would both heat and cool my new home. The beauty part was I didn’t need any ductwork for this type of HVAC unit. Now, I have this great big house to live in. Life sure can be funny like that. Who knew?


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