I replaced Granny’s HVAC filter without telling her

I decided to get a high quality HVAC filter that is so dense it will trap viral plus bacterial particles that other filters don’t

Now that I moved back into my old hometown, I can visit my Grandma more often. For years I only got to see her whenever I visited my family for a holiday event. My schedule at school was so tight plus hectic it made it strenuous to travel, even if just for an extended weekend. I visited my family just as often as I possibly could but my life was so draining then. My job nowadays may be more demanding on a day by day basis, however I don’t think nearly as tied up as I did at school. The best section is living near my parents plus my beautiful Granny. I’ve started making a habit of visiting my Grandma every Wednesday so every one of us can cook plus have dinner together. Lately I have noticed my Granny sniffling a lot plus coughing; when I asked her about these symptoms, she assured me that it was simple allergies. But as the weather improved, her symptoms worsened. One day while she was taking a short nap, I decided to look inside her HVAC. Like I had suspected, her whole air handler was full of dust, especially the rare evaporator coil. I searched further plus found the cause—a cheap HVAC filter with barely any filtration power. It’s easy to overlook the quality of your HVAC filter if you don’t recognize any better, especially if you’re elderly plus didn’t grow up with an indoor temperature control. I decided to get a high quality HVAC filter that is so dense it will trap viral plus bacterial particles that other filters don’t. Honestly, the immediate improvement was shocking to me. I was hoping that her symptoms improved, however I didn’t realize they would to this degree.

heat pump installation