I regret asking the supplier for the biggest HVAC possible

With machines, bigger isn’t better every time.

My sibling Pat is obsessed with buying the biggest pickup trucks plus lifting them with giant tires.

Pat thinks it makes him look difficult plus cool, but in reality it’s just a money pit with all of the fuel it needs to go down the road to the grocery store plus back. It’s crazy too because Pat never even uses the truck to haul a bucket of mulch, or an appliance of some kind. As far as I know, Pat has never put a single item with any weight in the back of that ridiculously sized pickup truck. It’s just a status symbol plus way for Pat to think “tough” plus “big” while driving down the road. But this is just one example of the foolishness surrounding wanting things that are bigger. I wanted a stronger HVAC this time around plus urged my heating plus cooling supplier to deliver me the biggest HVAC that they could possibly fit in my house. Thankfully the representative from the A/C supplier was patient but firm with me about size. She told me and Pat that using a giant air cooling plan in a small space results in short cycling because the bigger HVAC only needs a fraction of the time to drop the temperature down inside the house. When your HVAC plan is short cycling, it doesn’t get a option to completely circulate the air in your house. Since you want your HVAC filter to wash out some of your indoor air, short cycling is actually bad in the long term. She said that once the specialist determined the respected size HVAC for my house, I needed to go with the component with the highest SEER rating. A higher SEER rating meant the component is more efficient with the energy it uses to reach the same uneven temps as a different machine.

Quality heating