Learning the importance of boiler maintenance

I had just gotten home from work and as usual, my house was dead silent but then I heard a noise that I could not quite place.

I switched on all the lights and inspected every room with a bat in hand.

The only reason I did not call for help was that if there was an intruder in the house, they would have stopped what they were doing when they heard me coming in. Every room was clear so I proceeded to the basement and realized that the noise was coming from there specifically from the boiler. I headed back to the living before my pizza went cold. I googled on the various reasons why what I would consider a new HVAC unit would be producing such noises. The heating corp that had installed the central heating had detailed information on the possible reasons for the malfunction. I thought that looking up a furnace filter for sale, buying it, and then replacing the furnace filter was all that was needed to keep the system running. Well, I was wrong, one needed to call their heating provider and schedule for maintenance which should ideally be done annually. The website also had a heater for sale list which I was not interested in since I already had one. What I was interested in was the information on how to care for a heating and cooling system including your digital or dial thermostat. By the time I was going to bed I had learned more about heating. The following morning I called the home comfort business and told them that I needed a boiler repair and tune-up. I also told the heating technician to add fireplace maintenance to the list.

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