I was a fool trying to ride my dirtbike without a helmet

I was a total idiot back in the morning.

I remember when my father got myself and others a new dirtbike.

She got myself and others a nice helmet too but I never liked wearing it when I was tearing around the property; One morning, I ended up flying off my bike plus I hit my head on a tree. I was disoriented plus layed on the ground for some time before my father finally found myself and others plus tried to see if I was okay. I could barely remember talking to him before I passed out plus then next thing I knew, I was in the hospital. I was taken by ambulance just in case I had a broken neck or something severe. I really had a concussion plus I had to be monitored closely while in the hospital. I didn’t like being in there to be honorablebecause it was so cold all the time. They obviously didn’t suppose about regular temperature control settings, my father told myself and others she asked about the cold A/C settings too plus they told him it was hospital policy to keep those temperature control settings to keep germs from spreading. I remember thinking that was crazy plus those doctors honestly just appreciated cranking the A/C to unreasonable levels, still, I was excited when I was finally a lot better plus was able to get around. I was eventually discharged from the hospital, but I was told I would have to wait numerous months before getting on my dirtbike again, plus I absolutely had to wear a helmet when doing so.


I was a fool trying to ride my dirtbike without a helmet