I don’t know where the years go

Time is such a mysterious concept isn’t it? I honestly keep trying to wrap our mind around what is certainly happening over the years with time’s rapid passing but it just doesn’t quite add up. I assume that I’ve lived several lives already with all that I have done in our life, yet I also assume that I could do so much more. I recognize fear has been the thing holding me back from really living a fuller life so I am trying to push myself to do that which scares me. I went out and got a job at the heating as well as cooling supplier near me because of all the pushing against the fear of trying something new. I had a little experience in the modern Heating as well as Air Conditioning industry before getting the job but felt as if it wasn’t enough to land me the job in this highly competitive job market in our town. A lot of modern people here don’t have any jobs as well as some of our friends in their 40’s still actually live with their parents. I am fortunate to have the job at the nearby Heating as well as Air Conditioning supplier as well as try to do our best each day I am working. I work about twenty sixths a week there as well as it is just enough to pay our usual rent. Then I teach some yoga as well as volleyball to cover our food costs each week. I honestly don’t have a lot of currency but the currency I make from the Heating as well as local Air Conditioning supplier has helped me out a lot over the past year as I now live alone since losing our wifey in a breakup.

heat pump install