How many Heating, Ventilation plus A/C professionals are in that supplier?

For the last forty years, I had been using the same Heating, Ventilation plus A/C supplier; Every time I needed help with my Heating, Ventilation plus A/C system, the same Heating, Ventilation plus A/C professional came out.

It made me wonder if he was the only Heating, Ventilation plus A/C professional in the supplier.

I said this to my spouse plus he shook his head. He chided me plus said it would not be a supplier if only 1 Heating, Ventilation plus A/C professional worked there. It would be a sole property ownership. I told him what I thought of his condescending attitude, plus walked away. I called the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C supplier plus asked to have the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C professional come out plus repair my gas furnace. The young lady asked if I had a day that would be better for us, plus if I wanted it done instantly? While I had her on the PC, I asked how many Heating, Ventilation plus A/C professionals were in the supplier? She said they had fifteen in total, plus wanted to think why? I told her that for the last forty years, I had the same Heating, Ventilation plus A/C professional come to the beach house every time I called, she laughed plus said that was her Grandpa. He took care of every 1 of his original clients plus won’t let anyone repair them. That’s when she said this would be the last time all of us saw him because he was retiring at the end of the year. He plus Grandma wanted to travel before they got too old. I was happy for the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C professional, however I knew all of us were going to miss him, hoped the current Heating, Ventilation plus A/C professional was going to be as unbelievable as he is..



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