A/C at night is the best

I have recently found out that I am the odd one out! Usually people use their A/Cs while in the day, and then turn them off at night since the night cools down! While that makes sense, I personally love it the other way around.

When it is the day and afternoon, I am usually off to work anyways, so having the heating and cooling machine on doesn’t make much sense for me, and keeping the cooling machine on at night ensures that I am at the ideal temperature as I prepare to go to sleep.

Did you know heating and a/c can truly impact your sleep? You would think that in order to go to sleep, you would need warmer hot and cold temperatures, however truly the opposite is true. Having your smart thermostat set for cooler hot and cold temperatures is truly the best solution to having better sleep, but try it, lower your thermostat a few degrees and see how it impacts your sleep! I know whenever my HVAC machine is not functioning officially, my sleep is not nearly as good as it usually is. I thought most people knew this, however after talking to my friends and a few coworkers, it turns out most people are not cooling their homes at night, and therefore not having the quality sleep they could be having. Sleeping issues are quite common, so finding easy methods to improve sleep without medication is always a win. Anyways, this was just an interesting fact that I have learned that I wanted to share with most people.

air conditioning repair