My garage at least smells greater

I can no longer claim a place in the HE MAN club.

I have lost the ability to open our garage door to the world. This is a key element in that club along with putting your feet up in Heating and A/C controlled comfort. I’m not afraid of being robbed or having a wild dog go crazy in there. I can’t open the garage door and leave it open because I am embarrassed by how trashy it has become. It must have been a few years ago that I just completely offered up on attempting to keep the garage looking good. The people residing inside our lake lake house are the ones who are ultimately responsible for our garage shame. It started innocently enough. My husband wanted to put a few boxes out in the garage. Then the children began to accumulate a number of activitys gear and multiple other junk that ended up in our garage. Soon, stuff was just everywhere. I fought back. There were hooks for the bikes and all kinds of racks to organize the other gear… But it was all for naught. Before long, the car wouldn’t even fit in there and then I just offered in. So, I called the Heating and A/C guy to see if he could at least help myself and others air out the garage through ventilation. It smelled horrible and he was able to fix that with an exhaust fan. It sucks out the bad air so at least the garage doesn’t assault the senses with it’s random mixture of VOC’s. Could this be our first step to getting back our MAN card? One can only hope. Maybe there will come a day when I can once again hoise the garage door and just sit outside in our driveway love a real man.
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