My parent’s house is so warm

Your family and your house could be damaged without a heating system, and they knew that the heating system had to stay on.

I can’t believe how hot the temperature is at my parent’s house. When I was a kid, my parents would never have turned up the heating system to that level. In order for you to understand why this shocks me so much, you have to understand how my parents used to be when I was a kid. I grew up in a very poor family. When you are poor, one of the main causes of a high electric bill is your HVAC units. That is why my parents never owned an air conditioner in our house. Sure, the house was warm during the summer, but air conditioners cost a lot of money to use, and my parents didn’t have a lot of money to waste on running an air conditioner when there was no threat that we would die without that HVAC system. However, my parents knew that they couldn’t just turn off the heating system during the winter. Your family and your house could be damaged without a heating system, and they knew that the heating system had to stay on. However, our heating system was always running just enough to keep the house above freezing and maybe a little more. We could only be comfortable in our house with pants and a heavy sweatshirt on even while the furnace was running. However, since I have grown up, my parents have increased their income, and now, they keep the furnace on an extremely high level! When I go to my parent’s house, I feel like I am going to sweat. I know that they are excited about their newfound freedom, but their heating system is taking a toll on everyone.

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