Grandmother too Cheap to run A/C

I love my grandmother to death but there is one thing she and I don’t agree on, and it really irks me every spring.

She will sacrifice her own comfort to save money and I am willing to pay extra to keep comfortable.

My grandmother lives in the deep south, where it is hot and humid most of the year. Yet, she barely runs her air conditioning. I go down for a visit and stay with her every spring and it seems like I spend most of my vacation looking for sources of air conditioning. Admittedly, Grandmother uses fans throughout the house and she doesn’t move around much so she probably doesn’t get very hot. I’m sure she is used to the heat. But, I never have been an outdoorsy person, don’t care for natural elements, and prefer the comfort of climate control. Although the temperatures are usually only in the 70s at night on my visits and there is a fan above the bed in the guest bedroom, the humidity makes me really uncomfortable and I can barely sleep when I am there. I took my grandmother out to eat several times in the five days I was there and I treated to most of our activities and I feel like my grandmother should be willing to pay a few dollar increase on her electric bill for my comfort. I would even be willing to give her the extra money for her electric bill. But, my grandmother is set in her ways. To her, air conditioning is a luxury to be enjoyed on special occasions.


Grandmother too Cheap to run A/C