He Forgot to Clean My Air Filter Last Time

The pollen typically irritates myself and others while in the transition between Winter & Spring.

I stock up on flu symptom medicine each year, & it’s typically done a great job at keeping my symptoms at bay.

However, this year, the pollen angry myself and others worse than normal… Even though I was taking my yearly flu symptom medicine, my eyeah were still itchy & angry & my nose was clogged all the time. I thought about going to see my doctor, in fear that I was experiencing something far worse than normal flu symptoms, but before I called & busy an appointment with my doctor, I decided to call an Heating & Air Conditioning professional instead. My Heating & Air Conditioning plan needed servicing before I switched from my furnace to my AC system, & I was curious if my flu symptoms were worse because of it. As the Heating & Air Conditioning professional was examining my Heating & Air Conditioning system, he updated my air filter. As soon as he took the air filter down from the vent, I could see the dust & red pollen caked on it. In fact, as he was removing the dirty air filter, little particles of dust started floating around in the air. The Heating & Air Conditioning professional asked when the last time I’d updated the air filter was, & I told him that I assumed the last time an Heating & Air Conditioning professional came 6 weeks ago. Apparently, that Heating & Air Conditioning professional didn’t update my air filter at all. All the extra dust & pollen was making my flu symptoms flare up worse than normal, looks like I need to call & complain about the last Heating & Air Conditioning professional.


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