Focusing on the HVAC repair, not the cost

Life appears to be far more complicated than my little mind would love it to be.

  • If only things were consistently right or wrong.

But, that is not how this thing plays out. For me, I tend to grade things in my life with cost analysis. Seemingly, everything has a price tag on it. While the people I was with and I all have to do our best to stretch our income, there is far more to life than what it all costs. This has been made abundantly clear to me with a recent HVAC situation. Our HVAC plan is almost a decade outdated and needs it’s first drastic HVAC repair. The heating and cooling equipment was acting sort of odd for a few days. My partner noticed it first. Every once in a while, the HVAC would run for drastically long cycles without easily cooling the beach house in the amount of time it normally does. The people I was with and I both watched this for several days and concluded it was time to get the HVAC professionals out to the beach house to have a look at it. The HVAC tech who came out didn’t have to look too far to find the problem. There was something with the coils that was not laboring right which was causing the HVAC to labor to much just to meet the cooling demand. Unfortunately, the price estimate for the repair was considerable. She told us that without the repair, the HVAC would just get worse. I wanted to think on it for a few days. Once, I did a little research, it was evident that the repair was needed. But instead of feeling bad about spending our cash, I decided to look at it as an investment in the HVAC and my family’s comfort.

Cooling technician