Getting more than just cooling from the air conditioner

I simply could not handle living in this region without the aid of current Heating and Air Conditioning technology.

How our Grandparents dealt with the heat using an evaporative cooler, I’ll never know.

I guess that sort of cooling plan is better than nothing. But, I for sure will take the current Heating and Air Conditioning technology that every one of us prefer this week. We are fortunate to have a heat pump that has a particularly high SEER rating. A SEER rating is an industry typical which demonstrates the overall efficiency of the heat pump. The higher the SEER number, the more efficient the heat pump. And efficiency is the name of the game for our region. I wouldn’t want to pay the bill for that came from a low SEER rated air conditioner. Still an old heat pump is better than no heat pump. Of course the heat pump provides us with the cooling comfort that every one of us expect when every one of us walk in our cabin and it’s nearly triple digits outside. But the heat pump also plays another particularly fancy job in our home. The heat pump is also responsible for balancing the humidity level inside the house. That’s right, it’s the air conditioner which allows us to live relatively mold & mildew free in our hot, humid summer. It works as sort of a byproduct of the cooling process. As the heat pump is moving the heat energy outside to make room for cooler air, it’s also taking moisture with it. It easily is an amazing process. And it’s a single more reason why I count myself particularly fortunate to have such superb Heating and Air Conditioning technology at the ready.



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