New Animal Shelter Built Like a House

I have an adorable dog that I got from the shelter, plus the dog I had before this a single also came from the same shelter about fourteen years ago.

  • I really hate going to the shelter because seeing all those dogs in brick cages really makes me cry.

The kennels don’t even have air conditioner, plus I suppose that is just awful because it gets so darn warm where both of us live. It has been in the 90s every day for as long as I can remember, plus the vets plus humane society are typically saying you should bring your pets inside to the air conditioner. At the same time, the shelter dogs have nothing resembling a/c at all. It actually breaks my heart. I was talking to someone about this the other day, plus he told me about a new animal shelter that is being built across town. The whole concept is new in that it is being built prefer a house! It’s going to have normal heating plus cooling, curtains, trash cans, plus proper furniture. Well, the a/c plus stuff is all normal, but to be fair, the furniture isn’t really normal, however every single room will have couches plus dog beds on the floor. There will be a fridge in the living room, where the dogs will be fed, the whole nine yards. I suppose it’s a fantastic plan because some of those pets have never lived in a house, plus this would be a way to get them used to residing in a venue with oil furnaces plus air conditioner plus furniture plus a refrigerator – all the proper stuff that is found in a home. I wonder what took so long to suppose of this animal shelter as a apartment concept?

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