Change direction

I had not been getting perfect air flow from my central heating and air conditioning system as of lately.

  • Especially in the bedroom area of my home.

This has caused problems in both the summer months and the winter months. In the summer it would be way too hot in there and in the winter it would be way too cold. However, rather than make a super expensive investment into heating and air conditioning zone control, I figured out that the problem was not as serious as I thought. I actually feel foolish that I let this problem go on for a year when I did not have to! It turned out that the solution was just readjusting the air vents of the central heating and air conditioning system. By doing this, it corrected the air flow issue that was happening in my bedroom with the central heating and air conditioning system. My bedroom now has the correct even temperatures as the rest of the house. It turned out that someone had messed with the air vents and changed directions on them. That was why we were not getting the proper air flow in the bedroom that we should have been. But now all is good and ok with the air flow. In the winter it is nice and warm from the central heating system, and in the summer it will be nice and cool from the central air conditioning system. It is all now pretty much under control thanks to the changing direction of the air vents in my home!

Steam boiler