It always happens at night

Have you ever noticed that central heating and air conditioning systems always seem to break down at night when you least expect it? That is what always happens to me.

Without fail, the central heating and air conditioning system in my home always seems to take a dive while I am sleeping in the middle of the night! And of course there is no heating and air conditioning company opened at those hours except those emergency 24 hour HVAC service companies that cost a fortune.

So every single time this happens to me I find myself not getting much sleep and having to go to a hotel. Well, I eventually got tired of that and decided to go out and buy both a portable space heater and a portable air conditioning system. This way the next time my central heating and air conditioning system decides to break on me in the middle of the night I will not lose much sleep and not have to get dressed and go to a hotel! I will just go into my closet and get out the portable air conditioning system or the portable space heater, depending on what time of year it is and if heating or cooling is needed. That is the easiest way around the late night heat and a/c system break downs. And in the long run it saves you money because it is much more expensive to have to go to a hotel than to buy a portable space heater and a portable air conditioning system unit!
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