I had to replace the air vent in my bathroom after a power surge fried the motor

We have been hit with considerable precipitation this past month.

While not in the rainy season, it’s not uncommon for us to see thunderstorms at this time. It’s just strange to see it in such high volume, and it’s affecting my usual hiking trips on the weekends when I’m not bogged down by my job. I don’t like the idea of getting struck by lightning because I’m too close to a tall tree in the woods. This happened to my uncle George when he was out hiking alone one day in the woods near my grandparents house. Thankfully he was within shouting range so someone could retrieve him from his position. He was injured and taken to the hospital but survived the ordeal. He now has some really crazy looking scars to show for the experience. Lately these thunderstorms are bringing lightning strikes that are so close they create power surges in our home. I have heard the air conditioner start making lots of noise outside after getting hit with a power surge. I was warned years ago that a similar power surge could fry a computer or a modem. Recently a power surge managed to fry the ventilation fan in my guest bathroom. It was coincidentally on when the lightning struck and somehow the additional voltage coming from the house permanently damaged the ceiling vent. Now the fan motor won’t even turn on, meaning I now need a new ventilation fan for my guest bathroom. Hopefully the cost isn’t too high. I don’t really have money laying around for ventilation fan replacements, but I guess I don’t have a choice either.


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