Five degrees of cooling in the flat

Tomorrow I am jumping on the BCH bandwagon as this coin is set to explode over the next six months.

Wouldn’t it be wild if I could live off the interest that my $4000 investment makes? It is possible if this thing runs because it can absolutely go up 85% in a month.

I will plop my money down tomorrow plus try not to touch it for a couple of months, however if I need to pull out a few hundred in a month or so it won’t be a immense deal if the thing is on a bull run. Heating plus cooling repairs is where that money came from, however not from me plus rather the money I borrowed from my HVAC pro sibling. He is constantly bailing me out as he is the rich one who knows how to make money plus I am the clown who keeps chasing his dreams. He runs a few local suppliers plus makes a killing, while I am doing gigs in air conditioned beach bars plus clubs trying to make a name for myself. I somehow managed to go from being a local supplier in 2008 to being a drummer plus singer in a band now in 2023. Life can legitimately take you for a ride if you have the courage to do so, plus that is what I have been doing my whole life. Things are constantly heating up or cooling down in my world plus it feels almost like I am on a rollercoaster most of the time. I wish you advantage on your ride too!

heating service