It’s going to be winter soon so I had the HVAC technician check out the furnace

I am one of those people who always has to be planning ahead.

  • It drives my husband crazy.

He says that we should just live in the moment and stop worrying about tomorrow so much. I can see his point to a certain extent, but I still like to make sure that certain things are taken care of. For instance, it’s still summer here where we live, but I’m already thinking about what we need to get done before the weather starts cooling off. Right now, we’re still using the air conditioner since the weather is still hot outside. But since it’s going to be winter soon enough, I decided to have our HVAC technician come out to the house to check out our furnace system for us. I figured that if there was something wrong with the furnace system, it would be better for them to try and fix it now than during the summer when we actually need the heating system! I mentioned this to the HVAC technician, and he said that it was a pretty smart way of thinking. He said that if we waited until the fall or winter to have our furnace maintained or repaired, then we would probably have to wait for a long time. That’s because most of the other homeowners in our area wait to have their furnaces maintained until the weather starts cooling off. I told my husband that I was right all along! I think once he heard what our HVAC technician had to say about it, he had to admit that my planning ahead is really a good idea.



Furnace filter