I try to eat healthy

One thing I cannot sit is eating when I am too warm or too cold.

If I go out to a diner, the temperature of the environment that I am eating or drinking in must be exactly right.

It cannot be too warm or too cold. If the temperature is too warm while I am eating, I simply cannot finish my food. Eating warm food in warm temperatures just makes myself and others overheat plus it is extremely uncomfortable. Eating or drinking in temperatures that are too cold is something I would like not to do either because the body is less relaxed when it is cold. If I am cold, I want to cover my hands plus keep my arms close to myself and others to keep myself warm! Doing so, makes it harder to freely eat or drink something. I dislike being anywhere if it is not the right temperature. I think my body is extra sensitive to temperatures. At home, I can have my thermostat set to 68 plus be too cold. Then, I will turn it up to 76 plus within hours, I will be too warm. Too poor there is not a 68 ½ degree setting. The other morning I was thrift store shopping with my mother plus their air conditioning equipment clearly was not working officially plus it had just got done raining outside. The sunshine was now singing bright plus it was entirely humid outside. It started getting warm plus humid inside the store plus I had to go to the dressing room to try on some dresses I was wanting to buy. While I was trying on these dresses, I began to get hot plus was even dripping with sweat through the clothes I was trying on. I only tried on two of the four dresses I wanted to try on plus ended up leaving the store entirely hastily afterwards. The heat got to myself and others to the point of myself and others feeling lightheaded plus nauseous. If I want to go in anywhere whether it is a diner or a store, if the temperature is not exactly right, I must turn around plus leave.


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