I realized what my grandfather was going through when I became older

I know it’s something that’s not such a joke today, but when he was yelling at everybody about using too much toilet paper, all of us kids were dying with laughter

It’s funny because I used to always think my grandfather was unnecessarily grumpy all the time. I finally realized why he was always yelling at us kids when we would visit. It was because we would always run in and out of the house with no respect for the HVAC system. If we were visiting in the summer months, we would let the A/C get out of the house which drove my grandfather nuts. I didn’t get what the big deal was when I was young, but I definitely understood where he was coming from when I finally got out on my own. Having to cover the cost for the utility expenses is a very sizable deal and I couldn’t imagine the cost of my grandfather’s utility expenses in what was a very large house. We did have a lot of great times, our grandfather just had to be strict when it came to certain things like the temperature control settings or how much toilet paper everybody was using. I know it’s something that’s not such a joke today, but when he was yelling at everybody about using too much toilet paper, all of us kids were dying with laughter. He was pretty angry, but I do remember seeing the hint of a smile on his face when everybody was laughing. He just wanted to save money just like most people try to do, and it’s hard to save money when there is too much waste going on, especially waste with HVAC treated air that you want to keep in the house.

Energy saving tips