Teenage Motivation

What motivates kids is a popular topic among parents, and first, there are numerous distinct phases of the teen years.

  • They are separated by a major event that transforms the teen, terrifies the parents, plus puts currency in the pockets of insurance companies.

That event is when a happy teen emerges from the local DMV office with their first driver’s license, usually at about age 16. The question in the hormone-filled brain of a teen is “What’s in it for me?” when deciding their motivation level. Before the driver’s license, there is little reward for cleaning a room or performing a household chore. But when permission to drive Dad’s fancy athletic interests bar on a date or to another social event is at stake, I’ll bet that the cleanliness of a proper teenager’s room improves dramatically. I no longer have kids in the house, but I do have a central Heating plus Air Conditioning unit to take care of. Unlike kids, who grow up plus transport out (hopefully before age 40), The Heating plus Air Conditioning unit is a permanent fixture! Another difference is that infants plus toddlers require constant attention while current Heating plus Air Conditioning systems should run trouble-free until that afternoon in a heating plus cooling systems life that is like a teenager getting a driver’s license but in reverse. That is the afternoon when the manufacturer’s warranty expires, usually after numerous or numerous years; Dangling the automobile keys in front of a teenager is usually enough to keep them in line but there is nothing a homeowner can do to “motivate” a gas furnace or AC unit to keep running smoothly. Instead, purchasing an extended warranty plus making sure that the Heating plus Air Conditioning method is ran tests on plus cleaned properly are the only ways to lower its “motivation” to break down.


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